Special Traits to Look for When Hiring a Supervisor in Your Plant

Your manufacturing unit might have a great CEO, but it will only achieve the anticipated results if it gets the right line supervisors. Often, companies promote individuals with outstanding performance in the company, believing that their awesome performance will be replicated in their teams. 

However, this model of filling a supervisor’s vacancy is not always the best because managing people is different from running a machine. So, what makes a good supervisor?

In this post, we will highlight what you need to look for when looking forward to hiring a good supervisor for your plant.

Emotional Intelligence 

An effective supervisor is the person who provides leadership and is able to resolve conflicts in his team. He/she should be able to easily recognize own emotion as well as those of others and demonstrate top-notch social skills. 

Emotional intelligence is a very important skill in modern management, especially when managing diverse teams where striking a good work-life balance is crucial. 

To gauge emotional skills of a supervisor that you want to hire, as showcased here, consider asking questions on simulated scenarios. Then, gauge how the supervisor would handle the situations. 

Avid Learner

While it is true that the supervisor acts as the leader of the team, he/she must be a good learner. Notably, every team member is unique and might have something new that can help to improve the productivity of the team

In addition to learning from other team members, the supervisor should also use other channels to learn about team management and better ways of increasing productivity. Sadly, according to CEB Global, only 10% of managers and supervisors are good learners. 


Gone is the era when people required following lengthy bureaucracies, such as making written requests via a secretary, to access their bosses. 

A good supervisor should be approachable by crafting good working relationships with his subjects. 

Because your team members are the ones interacting with the machines and other parts of a manufacturing unit, they can easily tell you the areas that need improvements or urgent maintenance, helping to avert breakdowns and costly downtimes. 

Good in Delegating and Nurturing New Skills Development 

A good supervisor should be able to carry his/her own assessment of the team and pinpoint the team members that he can delegate duties to. Furthermore, the supervisor should be able to nurture his team members by building their skills so that they can operate more effectively. 

This implies that the company will find it easy to pick not just latter supervisors, but even top leadership from within.

If you have a manufacturing facility, it is prudent to ensure that you have highly qualified staff at all levels of operations. Particularly, you should focus on hiring the most qualified supervisor. 

In addition to having ample knowledge about your plant operations, the supervisor should also be good in managing people. Do not just pick any supervisor for your manufacturing facility; go for the best to enjoy high productivity. 

