Selecting the right car crash lawyer in Fort Wayne

You never know when you end up injured in an unfortunate car crash in Fort Wayne. Such accidents, crashes, collisions, and rear-enders are reported frequently in Indiana. Immediately after an accident, your first concern should be about getting medical help and calling the police. Once you feel okay, consider talking to a reliable car crash lawyer near Fort Wayne, who can guide on your rights and other relevant aspects. With so many personal injury attorneys in the field, how do you choose one? In this post, we are sharing more on what it takes to select one. 

Experience matters

The scope of personal injury law covers different types of cases, right from nursing home abuse to medical malpractice. You need to find an attorney, who deals with car crash & accident claims on a regular basis. You can ask questions to know a lawyer better, such as –

  1. How long have you been practicing in Indiana as a personal injury lawyer?
  2. What percentage of your practice is typically dedicated to car crashes and accident claims?
  3. Have you work on a case that’s comparable or similar to mine?
  4. If yes, what was the outcome of that case?
  5. Have you represented a client in court? 

Facts of your case

The first meeting with a personal injury attorney is the most important one, and the lawyer will want to know the details of the accident in depth. Make sure that you are honest with your attorney, even when you have a share in fault. At this point, you can also discuss the facts of your case. Questions you can ask include – 

  1. What is the worth of my personal injury claim?
  2. I had a share in fault. How can that impact my settlement?
  3. Do you think that the case will end up in trial?
  4. What is your experience with this insurance company?
  5. How long will it take to settle the case?

Fee of personal injury attorneys

Typically, all lawyers take up personal injury cases on a contingency fee, varying between 25% and 40%. You don’t have to pay the attorney, unless and until they win. There could be additional expenses related to litigation and investigation, which your lawyer may advance on your behalf. 

Don’t be tempted to select a car accident lawyer because they are charging less or are available. You need an attorney, who is skilled and experienced enough to pursue your personal injury claim. 

